1. Tirando Returns 2. Magnum 3. No Time to Waste 4. Play & Replay 5. Song & Dance 6. Handle with Care 7. Free & Easy 8. X-Stream 9. Vooroefening/Preliminary Exercise/Vorübung 10. Romance 11. Danza Oriental No.2 12. Valsequillo 13. Recuerdo 14. Triade 15. Danza Espanola No.2 16. Déjà Vu 17. Mount Paradise 18. Vooroefening/Preliminary Exercise/Vorübung 19. Preludio Criollo 20. Tirando Suite - Prelude 21. Gavotte en Rondeau 22. Bourree 23. Gigue 24. Rendez-Vous 25. Rendez-Vous (Duet) 26. Triplet 27. Pro Tirando 28. Solo Grande 29. Out of the Blue 30. Vooroefening/Preliminary Exercise/Vorübung 31. Swinging Five 32. Lost Dreams 33. Vooroefening/Preliminary Exercise/Vorübung 34. Rumbata